Goat's Milk Soap Fights Eczema

Aug 09, 2018

Have you ever had that one person that you really look up to? Maybe its just some famous person you admire? Someone you would really like to meet some day?

Well this farm was that for me. I had been wanting to go take the tour of this lovely goat milk farm that I had been following on social media for some time. Thing after thing would come up though and we just never made it. Well, over a year later we finally got to make our trip over to Bend, Oregon to visit Bend Soap Co.!

Why you say have I been wanting to go to this farm? Not only do the owners of this farm have a large lovely family but they are also savy business people. As a small business owner I'm always looking to learn how to improve our business to best suite our customer and fit our ideal family life style.

Running a business while homeschooling four children can really be a challenge at times. This lovely family has done it with 9 children! I really admire that. They live the life style I hope we can have here on our farm some day. That is the why.

The children were super excited to go on an adventure and they really loved the goats. They were pretty certain that I was going to let them stuff all those goats in the back of the van and take them home. Today.

I'm sorry to say that we didn't come home with one goat, but we did pick up a super stash of some lovely eczema fighting goats milk soap! The children got to feed and pet the goats, and even hold a baby goat. That baby goat is what prompted the protests for their own goats. I admit the little tiny ones are pretty fun!

There were a crazy lot of goats that get milked for a crazy lot of bars of soap that get shipped from this lovely farm. It's a good thing that there are lots of hands around to help! Bend Soap has goats of many different breeds, all of them larger than our tiny pigmy goat Rosco. 

Our tour guide, Travis, was very informative and really had great details about how the soap gets made, the story behind the soap making and how the business has grown. 

Bend Soap started as the Johnson family had a son, Chance, who had horrible eczema. Mr. Johnson did a ton of research and found out that standard soap has a lot of harsh chemicals that are ruff on the skin. He came up with their goats milk soap recipe that helped cleared Chance's skin.

Watch Our Trip Here!

We are very grateful for the wonderful tour and business inspiration. We hope some day that our story is similar to theirs. That we can help other families to find better health through our herbal/organic teas, support other local farms and give our children the farm lifestyle.

If you would like to check out their lovely products they can be found here on Bend Soap Co.'s website. I'm just waiting for some free time that I can put their milk bath to the test and see what goats milk soap can do for my skin!

Oh!, and a P.S. 

They have some of the BEST deodorant! It's managing to take care of a couple of teenage farm boys here. Something even Tom's of Maine couldn't handle. In case, ya know, you are in need of some good deodorant. Just say'n!


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