White Chocolate Cherry Chai Cake (Gluten Free Recipe)

Aug 09, 2018

Happy Friday! We have a special treat for ya'll today. I mean that in a couple of ways! One of our first and long time customers, Kris, will be helping us out here on the blog. She not only is a lovely lady but also has a passion for loose leaf teas along with some fabulous culinary skills. Today she is bringing us a super tasty cake. I currently smell is fabulous flavors as I type waiting for it to cool down! So join me in welcoming Kris today!

By: Kris Miller

Devoted wife and mother of two, recently graduated from LBCC Culinary program.

It’s the dog days of summer, but I am one that is in perpetual Autumn mode.  And I enjoy desserts with a slightly spiced note.  That is what put me in the mood to develop this recipe for white chocolate cherry pound cake using St. Fiacre’s Farm, Cherry City Chai tea blend.  Most of us enjoy cooking and baking, and making things look and taste great. And many of us are realizing we have sensitivities and allergies to certain foods and preservatives.  I discovered I was gluten intolerant five years ago.  I thought my baking days were over. 

  Fast forward several years, and many great gluten free products have come on the market.  Phew.  I don’t have to give up baking, and all of my beloved bundt pans!  I also love to decorate desserts, but the more I learned about artificial colors and their effects on the body chemistry, the more reluctant I was to use them.

I have found a wonderful group of friends, who are of like minds about nutrition and keeping things as natural as possible when it comes to feeding their families.  That is one of the reasons why I appreciate St. Fiacre’s Farm and their wonderful, organic teas and products.  I have been a customer of their special teas and other products since they started their business in 2014. 

While going to culinary school at Linn Benton Community College in Oregon, I used several of CeAnne’s tea blends in my dishes during my rotation for Santiam Restaurant. The fine dining restaurant at the culinary school.  Last month, I was inspired to make a white chocolate cherry bundt cake, and use St. Fiacre’s Farm Cherry City Chai tea blend in the recipe, since cherries pair so well with all the spices in that tea blend.  

I also found these Royal Harvest Nature’s maraschino cherries at Roth’s (western Oregon grocery chain) that I thought would be fun to incorporate in the cake to emphasize the cherry element without using  something that has red dye.  If you cannot find this product, you could use fresh or frozen cherries (or even dried and rehydrated. cherries from Cherry Country), but when you do something different in a recipe, you do not get the same results.  So feel free to play around with the recipe and substitute as desired.  

I hope you enjoy the recipe for this cake that would be lovely with any of St. Fiacre’s Farm teas, or some rich coffee, with friends and family on a relaxing afternoon or dessert after dinner.  Enjoy the rest of the summer!


White Chocolate Cherry Chai Cake


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