Healthy Alternatives to Soda + DIY Soda Recipes

If you’re tired of that crash you get after drinking a sugary soda, the caffeine ups and downs, or the weight gain, then it’s time to look into some healthy alternatives to soda! There seems to be an abundance of soft drinks available at the grocery store these days, but don’t...

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Best Water for Brewing Kombucha - The Ultimate Guide


Here we talk a lot about kombucha scobys, and if they are moldy or not and how to flavor your kombucha , and kombucha benefits but often we leave out chatting about the quality of the ingredients that make up the best kombucha brew. And while there is tea and there...

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Kombucha Eels: A Not-So-Pleasant Surprise in Your Homemade Brew


As a kombucha home brewer, there's nothing quite as satisfying as crafting your own batch of kombucha, especially if it's cherry almond kombucha. The tangy, fizzy, and probiotic-rich drink has become a staple in many households. However, along your brewing journey, you may encounter a...

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A Guide to Making Kombucha SCOBY Fruit Leather


If you’ve been brewing kombucha for a while, then you probably have SCOBY’s piling up and sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with them all. Should I keep all of them? Do I just throw them away? Well my friends, did you know that SCOBY’s can be utilized beyond...

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Health Benefits of Kombucha & How to Make Kombucha at Home

Did you know that the first recipes of kombucha tea date back as far as 221 BC, which marks the beginning of China's Qin Dynasty? This popular fermented tea has a long and fascinating history and while it might be trendy right now, that trend is here to stay.

Kombucha is popular especially among...

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How to Grow a Scoby From Scratch - Using Store-Bought Kombucha


The kombucha craze is the real deal and it's here to stay.

Kombucha is fizzy. It's refreshing. It's tart with a hint of sweetness. And it's oh, so good for you!

The popularity of Kombucha shows no signs of slowing down, with more and more people prioritizing their health and well-being....

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A Guide to the Ideal Kombucha Temperature & Heating Options

When it comes to making kombucha, temperature and time both play important roles in the process.

The results of kombucha fermentation vary with the application of different temperatures. The kombucha temperature environment may also lead to variables in the number of days required for...

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Does Kombucha Tea Contain Alcohol?


Although the precise origin date is unclear, the first kombucha recipes were recorded at the beginning of China's Qin Dynasty in 221 BCE.

While we can be sure that kombucha back then was not commercially available, most people are still turning to supermarket kombucha, even when making...

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Guide to Bottling & Flavoring Kombucha | Second Ferment


Kombucha might be as old as the hills, but it's taken the world by storm in the last few years. The global market was worth $1.7 billion in 2020! But rather than pay $5-$7 per bottle, more of us prefer to make our own kombucha, putting us in complete control.

If you've tried...

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Your Questions Answered about Sugar and Kombucha

With so many people recognizing the health benefits of kombucha, kombucha is more popular than ever. Many people are realizing just how much more affordable it is to make their own kombucha, along with being able to control the process and ingredients. It is after all, easy to make your own...

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Is My Kombucha Moldy? Mold/Not Mold

You're going about your day and decide to check on your homemade kombucha. You take a peek into the jar and...What is that?! You notice something doesn't look quite right.

Your SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) looks a little off. Bumpy, uneven, brownish, strings hanging down, fuzz,...

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Caffeine Free Tea & AIP Recipes

Caffeine can cause so many side effects including anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, nausea, stomach issues, addiction, headaches, chest pains, agitation, and more. There are a whole host of reasons why caffeine could be cut back or removed from one’s diet. Those seeking better health through...

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