How to Care for Stevia Plants: Grow, Harvest, & More

You’ve likely heard of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)—it’s a popular sugar alternative—but did you know that it comes from a plant of the same name? 


Store-bought stevia packets and all-natural stevia couldn’t be more different. Most of those packets contain...

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Coneflower Care: How to Plant, Grow and Harvest Echinacea

What is the right name for it—coneflower or echinacea?

The answer is both!

It's called a coneflower, the name given for the cone-shaped portion of the flower. It's also sometimes called echinacea, the name derived from the Greek word “ekhinos” meaning sea urchin.

Whether you...

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Plant These 10 Herbs in Spring for Your Herbalist Garden

Plants have been used as medicine for thousands of years.

Today, much of the world's population uses herbal medicine in some form as remedies for a wide variety of ailments. It's time we planted some of these herbs in our own backyards!

What better time is there to grow healing plants than when...

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Rosemary Bush Care and DIY Rosemary Tea

Did you know the rosemary tree is actually part of the mint family? It's formally known as Rosmarinus officinalis, but it's a plant we're all familiar with. Sunday roasts, hot baths, and the sharp, spicy fragrance of rosemary essential oil. But did you know you could make tea out of rosemary?


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The Lemon Verbena Plant: How to Grow, Harvest and Preserve

Lemon Verbena is a  refreshingly-scented herb that adds a pleasant, fragrant zing of lemon to your garden. It's also an easy-to-grow plant with leaves that are perfect for cultivating to make a healthy and great-tasting tea. 

To keep the uplifting freshness of lemons at your...

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Most Affordable and Productive Medicinal Plants to Grow


We have used medicinal plants in healthcare for thousands of years. Studies have been conducted across the world to prove how good they really are, and most of the time, medicinal plants win the argument. Although we can’t always do without modern medicine, curing common ailments and...

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Nettle Tea: How to Grow, Harvest and Preserve Nettles


A hot cup of nettle tea is still a remedy for many ailments for many people. It's no surprise considering stinging nettle greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Besides the health benefits, stinging nettles are really tasty.

But we can't ignore the fact that...

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Herbalist Garden: Getting Started


While herbs were cultivated clear back to the time of Adam and Eve, medicinal herbalist gardens such as that of St. Gall have been in use for hundreds of years. This just shows that humanity has not only been using but has been reliant on natural remedies and...

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