Plants have been used as medicine for thousands of years.
Today, much of the world's population uses herbal medicine in some form as remedies for a wide variety of ailments. It's time we planted some of these herbs in our own backyards!
What better time is there to grow healing plants than when...
Did you know the rosemary tree is actually part of the mint family? It's formally known as Rosmarinus officinalis, but it's a plant we're all familiar with. Sunday roasts, hot baths, and the sharp, spicy fragrance of rosemary essential oil. But did you know you could make tea out of rosemary?
Diet, rest, hydration are just the start of preventing colds, coughs, and the flu. But what happens when you catch that virus going around? Natural herbal medicines are a great way to try and help those symptoms out at home when they are in their earliest stages.
In last week's post (Tools...