Dipped Shortbread Cookies - without sugar

Aug 27, 2019

When I polled tea drinkers on various Facebook groups, guess what the most common dessert to have with tea was?

Nope, not scones. Shortbread.

Shortbread is a very light, delicate cookie, very dainty and perfect for an afternoon tea time treat. It is light in flavor, yet sweet making it easy to pair with about any cup of tea. Whether it be black, green, or your favorite herbal.

These short bread cookies though.

They probably shouldn't be so yummy, it just means that I eat too many. It's a good thing they are free of any refined sweetener, sugar free and made with a whole grain flour. Healthier for sure, and dare I say even more flavor?!

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Shortbread cookies are not only great for tea time but also for gifting. Maybe it's a housewarming, or maybe your sending condolences to a loved one or friend, or the perfect gift at Christmas time.

What ever the reason may be, they help bring smiles to faces and good cheer all around. Unless of course its January and dieting season... then maybe another gift would be more appropriate. ::wink wink::



Let's talk about the chocolate for a minute shall we? Speaking of health and dieting and all of that.

Did you know that chocolate is packed full of nutrients?

Yep, chocolate is actually a medicinal herb full of not just magnesium, zinc, and iron, but its also full of antioxidants. Those little guys that scrub out the bad guys.

Now this doesn't mean all chocolate. Just the good quality dark stuff ranging between 70-80% cocoa. 

According to Medical News Today, dark chocolate may help to reduce inflammation in the body, help to prevent oxidative stress, improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, may lower cholesterol, and improve brain function.



You totally wanted to hear that chocolate was good for you right?! I hear ya! It's pretty great news, huh?

Can't get much better than that right? Wrong.

How about making your own chocolate? At home? When ever you want? Did you know you could do that?

I didn't! But when my inability to consume sugar without my throat swelling had me without anything other than 100% cocoa for chocolate options that made me super sad.

Until I discovered making my own chocolate and now the possibilities are endless. It's super simple and homemade chocolate is what takes these shortbread cookies over the top!

ā€‹Ready to learn how? Let's go!



Dipped Shortbread Cookies

Dipped Shortbread Cookies

Yield: 24
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 15 MinInactive time: 20 MinTotal time: 45 Min
Homemade chocolate is what takes these shortbread cookies over the top!


  • 1/4 cup real maple syrup & 3 tablespoons
  • 1/2 cup cold organic butter
  • 1 1/4 cup sprouted white wheat flour (or white flour)
  • 1/8 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup cocoa butter
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F
  2. In a stand mixer or bowl add butter and blend until creamy. Add 1/4 cup maple syrup and vanilla extract then blend until mixed in evenly.
  3. Add the sprouted white wheat flour (or unbleached white flour) and the arrowroot/cornstarch. Blend until incorporated.
  4. Chill for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Once chilled, roll out to about 1/4 thickness and cut out with your cookie cutter of choice. We used a tiny biscuit cutter. Hearts, shamrocks, teacups, or Christmas trees are all fun depending on the occasion.
  6. Bake on an ungreased cookie tray at 350° F for about 12-15 minutes depending on your cookie size and thickness.
  7. Cookies will be firm when baked all the way and a faint golden brown, don’t over bake though!
  8. Let cool slightly then transfer to a cookie rack and let cool completely before dipping.
  9. While cooling place cocoa butter in a double boiler over medium-low heat until melted completely.
  10. Once melted add the maple syrup. Remove from heat.
  11. Then add the cocoa powder and whisk in so that there are no lumps and the mixture is consistent.
  12. Let cool off until thick enough to dip cookies (5-10 minutes in the fridge should do)
  13. Dip half of your cookie in the chocolate mixture and set on wax paper to harden.
  14. Once the cookies have hardened enjoy with your favorite cuppa tea or store in a cool location until needed, such as the refrigerator for a day or two.


Now that you have your practically-health-food-medicinal-chocolate-cookies (see what I did there?) tea time no longer has to be full of ultra white flour and sickenly sweet desserts. These cookies won't leave you feeling like your about to have an insulin reaction.

And they taste fantabulous to boot! (I know that isn't a word, but hey, it sounds cool).

Now, the real decision is.... what to put in your cuppa to enjoy them with? Let me know your favorite sip below!



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