Maple Sausage & Sweet Potato Quiche Bites

Oct 15, 2019

Quiche is a quintessential tea time recipe, but what really makes these special is that they are tiny and bite size. The dangerous part is that they are so yummy it might seem like you didn’t eat many with their delicate size and impressive flavor.

A good maple sausage really pairs well with the comforting earthiness of the sweet potatoes. These tiny quiches also freeze well and can be ready in a toaster oven in a matter of minutes. Make them in bulk so you can stock up and have them on demand. They also work great for a quick breakfast on the run.


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"I think I love fall most of all!"

​This is my current saying! The trees are just beautiful right now as they show off their dark deep reds against their bright oranges and yellows. The deep purples and greens can be seen peeking from the background.

I never use to like fall much, I preferred the warm summer days. It seems like life on the farm changed all of that though. The hard work that comes with the summer garden and the huge harvest at the end. It makes me thankful for not just fall, but for all of the seasons!



I love the fresh and abundant fruits of summer; the watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupes, fruit salads and all of the berries. When fall comes though I'm ready to dive into the squash, baked goods, and of course the tea!

There is something about those wholesome, warm and comforting foods that just brings a peace and calm to a blustery winter day. They pair great with a warm, crackling wood stove and the smell of spices in the kitchen. Yet, between them all I think I truly love the stillness that fall brings.

The maple sausage recipe I love to use most comes from The Prairie Homestead cookbook by Jill Winger. When we crafted this recipe in the winter of 2019 as part of the companion ebook for her cookbook, we new that we had to feature that lovely maple sausage recipe!

It's the perfect mix of wholesome and yummy without any processed or refined sugar. Just what we love to use here on the farm. When ever I'm mixing up a batch of breakfast sausage this recipe is my go to for sure.

While any store bought breakfast sausage, or breakfast sausage recipe will do I highly recommend checking out the maple sausage recipe! It adds even more depth and fall flavor to these tasty bites.



Maple Sausage & Sweet Potato Quiche Bites

Maple Sausage & Sweet Potato Quiche Bites

Yield: 24
The maple sausage really pairs well with the comforting earthiness of the sweet potatoes.


  • 1 cup cold butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea sat
  • 1 cup unbleached flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 1 pound your favorite breakfast sausage (we love the maple one from the prairie homestead cookbook)
  • 1 medium sweet potato
  • 6 - 8 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup milk (sub. coconut milk for dairy free)
  • pinch of nutmeg


  1. In a bowl mix together the unbleached white flour and whole wheat flour as well as the sea salt. Cut cold butter into one inch cubes, add to flour mixture and cut in with a pastry knife until resembling coarse crumbs. Add enough cold water to get crust dough to pull together. Flatten into round disc and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in refrigerator while making the filling for the quiche.
  2. Peel and cube the sweet potato into 1/2 inch pieces. Place the diced potato and Maple Sage Breakfast Sausage in a large frying pan. Add 1/2 cup of water and place lid over the top. Sauté until sweet potato is cooked through and sausage is cooked. Once potatoes and meat are cooked through, remove the lid to brown a bit. Then turn off and set aside.
  3. Preheat oven to 400° F In a bowl scramble 6-8 eggs. Whisk in 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/2 cup of milk or milk substitute, and pinch of nutmeg.
  4. Remove pie crust from refrigerator and roll out dough on floured surface or pastry mat to about 1/4 inch thick. Using a small biscuit cutter or regular canning lid ring cut out circles from the dough and place the dough in a mini muffin pan slots just as you would a when placing pie crust in a pie pan. Don’t have a mini muffin pan? Use a wide mouth canning lid for cutting and regular size muffin pan instead.
  5. Once your pie crust is tucked into the slots of your muffin pan, add 1-2 tablespoons of sausage and potato mixture (depending on the size of pan used), then add 2-3 tablespoons of the egg mixture (for minis) or 1/4 cup for regular size muffin cups. Bake at 400° F for 8-12 minutes for minis and 15-20 minutes for regular size. Bake until eggs are set, tooth pick comes out clean and tops are lightly browned. Remove from pan, let cool until easily handled and serve. For freezing cook just until eggs are set but NOT browned. Remove, cool to room temp and then freeze. To serve- bake at 400° F for 10-15 minutes depending on size.


No matter whether you are serving this to guests at your fall tea party/gathering or your snagging a few before you head out the door, these Maple Sausage and Sweet Potato Quiche Bites are sure to fill you up and nourish you along the way.

We love to pair them up with our Sweet Maple Chai for more maple goodness. Or Prairie Pumpkin Chai to add more fall depth. If your feeling really crazy you might even try the Sugar Bush Blueberry and see what a maple berry flavor brings.

What ever your sipping while enjoying these tasty bites, make sure to share with friends and family. It just makes them even that much tastier!





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