Natural Remedies for Menopause: Best Herbs for Hot Flashes and More

Apr 09, 2024
Reads Top Herbs for Menopause with photos of sage, st. johns wort, black cohosh and chaste tree berry (vitex)

Menopause is certainly filled with ups and downs! If you’ve been experiencing symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and hormonal imbalance, you know just how disruptive they can be. As mothers and grandmothers, we just don’t have time for all of that! We’ve got littles to take care of, not to mention our neverending to-do lists keeping us busy.


The good news is that there are plenty of natural remedies for menopause available. Today, we’re diving into the world of herbal remedies to tackle those pesky hot flashes and other menopausal challenges. 


Discover the most effective natural remedies for menopause with our full guide to the best herbs for menopause! From hot flash relief to mood swing management and help with hormonal imbalances, you’ll learn about the power of menopause herbs. Discover how sage, black cohosh, lemon balm, St. John’s Wort, and other herbs for hot flashes can provide support during this transformative stage of your life.



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Menopause: What It Is & Its Symptoms

Menopause marks a significant shift in a woman’s life — this biological process signals the end of her reproductive years. It usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, though it differs from woman to woman. I know some ladies who start to get symptoms much earlier and others much later!


Menopause is a natural, normal transition that every woman must go through. Instead of thinking about it as a loss, we prefer to look at it as the beginning of a new chapter in life! After all, it may bring with it the blessings of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Also, rest, contemplation, and a time to wind down and think about eternity that lies ahead. It's only natural that women may feel a little "off" or not like themselves during this transition. We know just how frustrating this can feel.


Herbalism can help find balance again! This time for nurturing and support and herbs for hot flashes and other symptoms can be very helpful. 


How Diet & Lifestyle Can Help Too

While menopause herbs can support and relieve many symptoms, your diet and lifestyle choices play an important role as well. Nourishing foods are key to maintaining balance in the face of hormonal changes. Think whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruits that are paired with herbs for menopause for added support.

Lifestyle changes are crucial as well. Incorporating stress-management tools, exercise, and plenty of rest into your daily routine can help ease the transition through menopause. Ultimately, it’s all about finding harmony and balance amidst change, and embracing the natural rhythms of life! Nature has its seasons, and we women have our seasons as well.



The Best Herbs for Menopause

Below, you’ll find a list of the most common menopause symptoms and menopause herbs that can help. Remember that these herbs are all about support and relief — if you find that your symptoms become unbearable, be sure to consult your doctor or natural health care practitioner! We also encourage you to do deeper dives on these herbs and make sure that they will work for your individual constitution.

1. Hot Flashes 

One of the most common symptoms of menopause is, of course, hot flashes. One minute, you’re sitting pretty, the next, you’re a sweaty mess. Has anyone else been there?! Luckily for us, several herbs can help with hot flashes. 

  • Sage: Known for its cooling properties, sage can be brewed into a comforting tea (consider making it iced!) or infusion. 
  • Black Cohosh: Can help balance estrogen levels and reduce the intensity. We like it in a menopause tincture or tea best as it is usually bitter and doesn't make for fabulous tea. 
  • Lemon balm: Offers a calming effect, which can help when hot flashes become frustrating. Use it in a tea or in the bath! Lemon balm brings calm!



2. Mood Swings & Irritability

Emotions running wild? First of all, that’s totally normal! During menopause, it’s natural to experience hormonal fluctuations due to a decline in estrogen levels. Estrogen helps support mood regulation, so when it’s in flux, you may have mood swings. 


Instead of grabbing the chocolate and wanting to hide in a closet, there are also menopause herbs that can help with that! Use these herbs to help keep your cool:


  • St. John’s Wort: Has been shown to help improve mood even during tough times. Use it in a menopause tincture or in capsule form. It is also great for seasonal affective disorders (SAD).
  • Chaste Berry Tea: Also known as Vitex, chaste berry tea can support mood swings due to hormonal changes. Enjoy it as a tea or tincture. I put a little tincture in my drinking water.


3. Insomnia

Hormonal changes — especially the decline in estrogen levels — can contribute to insomnia for many women. If you’ve been struggling to sleep, valerian root can support you. It’s known for its sedative effects, which will help calm your mind and body!


You can take valerian root in a capsule or tincture or brewed into tea before bedtime. 


4. Hormonal Imbalance & Dryness

Experiencing hormonal imbalance and vaginal dryness can be one of the most challenging parts of this life transition. Feeling uncomfortable emotionally and physically is just no fun. The good news is there are a few natural remedies for menopause to try!


  • Licorice root: Recognized for its adaptogenic properties (a fancy way to say it can help with overall well-being), licorice root can promote the production of estrogen, which will soothe dryness and discomfort. Brew it in a tea, or create a capsule or ointment with it. 
  • Fennel: Rich in phytoestrogens, this menopause herb helps recreate the effects of estrogen in the body. This helps support both hormonal imbalances and vaginal dryness — it also boasts natural hydration properties. We recommend brewing it in tea or adding it to a big pot of soup!



5. Bone Health

Taking care of your bones during menopause is crucial—your bone health declines during this time in life due to a decrease in estrogen levels. If you can’t tell yet, estrogen is a major player in women’s health! 


Oatstraw is one of the best natural remedies for both menopause and health in particular. It’s rich in calcium and magnesium, both of which are essential nutrients for the bones. When you consume it, your bones could become stronger and you’ll be better able to fight osteoporosis. Enjoy it as a tea, or hide it in your morning smoothie, or in a capsule!


6. Pelvic Health Changes

During menopause, many women experience changes in pelvic health due to hormonal fluctuations. Those annoying hormones again, right?


Changes can include pelvic floor weakness, urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and overall discomfort “down there.” But, like everything else… there’s an herb for that!


  • Raspberry leaf: Has astringent properties, which may strengthen the pelvic floor and uterus muscles. This can help alleviate any symptoms associated with pelvic floor weakness like urinary incontinence and discomfort. You can brew it in a tea; some say it tastes similar to iced black tea!


7. Overall Well-Being

Aches and pains are also normal menopause symptoms. Herbs with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation, which is often the culprit for soreness due to menopause.


Elderflower is our top choice for alleviating those aches and pains! You can use these herbs for menopause thanks to their natural anti-inflammatory properties. They’re also rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which can provide relief from discomfort. 


We recommend brewing a nice big pot of elderflower tea to enjoy throughout the day!



Natural Remedies for Menopause Frequently Asked Questions


What stops hot flashes naturally?

Hot flashes can be stopped naturally in a few different ways. Herbs like sage, black cohosh, and lemon balm can offer relief thanks to their cooling and hormone-balancing properties. You should also consider making some lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy diet, managing your stress levels, and staying hydrated. These small adjustments may reduce your hot flashes.


What’s the best drink for menopause?

The best drink for menopause is an herbal tea made from ingredients like sage, lemon balm, chaste berry (Vitex), valerian root, licorice root, and fennel. These helpful herbs can offer relief from hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. Plus, herbal teas will hydrate you without any added caffeine! 


What is the best tea for menopause?

The best tea for menopause is sage tea. Sage can help regulate hormone levels, which can reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Black cohosh tea can also be beneficial for managing symptoms thanks to its hormone-balancing properties. Finally, lemon balm teas can soothe mood swings and help you relax.


How can I increase my estrogen levels naturally after menopause?

Increasing estrogen levels naturally after menopause can be challenging. That said, some lifestyle changes can help! Herbs like black cohosh, licorice root, and fennel may help balance estrogen levels. Eating foods rich in phytoestrogens like soy, flaxseeds, and legumes can mimic estrogen's effects in the body. Finally, regular exercise and stress management have also been shown to support hormone balance. 



New Tools for a New Phase of Life

From hot flashes to mood swings and everything in between, there are several natural remedies for menopause you can lean on! Welcome this new phase of life with a cup of herbal tea, a soothing menopause tincture, or a calming ointment. These helpful herbs will support you as you go through this natural transition! Don't forget the lifestyle changes that involve more rest, some Christian meditation, and more time for teaching and instructing rather than doing. Embrace this new season of life and enjoy your grandchildren or great-grandchildren!


If you would like to dive deeper into blending your own herbal teas and tinctures so that you get personalized herbs that are just right for you, make sure to check out our free tea blending workshop here - it's through email and at your own pace! I'd love to know which menopause symptoms you struggle with the most, though. Have you found something that helps? Leave us a note in the comment section below!



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