Easy Homemade Marshmallows with Marshmallow Root: A Step-by-Step Guide

Homemade marshmallows are a delicious and affordable candy that can be simply made at home with a few simple ingredients. But did you know that marshmallow is actually a plant too? DIY Marshmallows are also a great way to use marshmallow root, one of my favorite medicinal herbs, with a variety of...

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Fire Cider Benefits and Protocol: Everything to Know for Home Herbalists



Warm bellies, tingling lips, and a strong immune system. That's what fire cider is all about. Brimming with fresh ingredients and steeped in raw apple cider vinegar, there is no good reason not to be drinking fire cider this season. Or maybe eating it in this Kale Crunch Salad...

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Best Tea for A Cold


As much we many of us would like to admit that the events of 2020 didn’t change our normal, something as simple as a cold and flu can have quite different effects on social relationships than it use to. A home remedy for the cold and flu are now even more important than they were...

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Does Chai Tea Have Caffeine?



A typical cup of traditional Indian chai lattes is different all over India as well as all over the United States. It’s similar to grandma’s potato salad, or stew, everyone has their way of making it a little bit different but every way is a yummy family tradition. ...

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Pine Needle Tea vs Foods with Vitamin C


Pine needle tea, many will say is packed with vitamin c and shikimic acid, a constituent used to make a well-known antiviral drug, Oseltamivir, or as you may know it Tamiflu. While the news might be trending with pine needle tea, my question is, is it really the best tea and/or food for...

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Herbal Tea for Allergies (Fight Seasonal Allergies)

It’s inevitable, this time of year brings so many seasonal allergies from pollen, mold, and even chemicals. But did you know allergies can be an immune system response due to gut-related issues? Come learn the best tea for allergies to help get through this tough season. 

Ahh, spring...

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Health Benefits of Turmeric and Lemon Turmeric Cake Recipe


The benefits of herbal tea and the benefits of turmeric are many. Many will ask "Is herbal tea good for you?" "What are the benefits of turmeric?" We are going to dive right into those here in this post along with a fabulous Lemon Turmeric Tea Cake Recipe. 

Turmeric is likely...

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Best Herb for Skin Health & Natural Sunburn relief

Imagine your hiking in the mountains, through the trail, and all of a sudden, something grabs on to your leg and isn't about ready to let go.

Or maybe your children or grandchildren are walking through the pasture or field and come back to the house with something stuck to their leg.

This might...

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