Move on over Chick-fil-a Kale Crunch salad! This infused apple cider vinegar dressing recipe is going to spice up that kale salad! Get all of the benefits of this turmeric and horseradish root infused fire cider dressing. A little bit of sweet and a little bit of spicy, a whole lot of healthy for...
The family has gathered around in a warm cozy house, and the smell of food is wafting through the air. The kitchen is all hustle and bustle, and tasty appetizers are awaiting.
Veggie trays, olives, cookies, fudge, chips, and cream cheese dip with chips.
When it comes to a holiday...
"The best of times are always found,
When family & friends are gathered around."
This is truly my favorite time of year because the heat of the summer is tamed, the farm work outside is mostly done and it's now time to spend hours inside with friends and family. By enjoying the...
Gut shots and kraut pounders. A couple of words I didn't think would probably ever enter my vocabulary until a few years ago. Doesn't sauerkraut just come in a jar? Isn't that, that stinky stuff that goes on roast beef sandwiches? Cabbage? Bleck! I wasn't a fan of sauerkraut in the...