Home Apothecary Herbal Labeling Tips + FREE Label Template

Sep 05, 2023
labeling herbal formulations, home herbalist, grow my own herbs, herbal medicine


Did you know that before the FDA was established in 1906 and before the mid 1800's the first drugs came from natural sources and existed in the form of herbs, plants, roots, vines and fungi?

As our family business grew over time we went through a great man different types of labels and packaging and even now I use many different options in our home. As home herbalists, we take great joy in crafting natural remedies for our families. But have you ever thought about the importance of proper labeling for the herbal formulations we create at home? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore why accurate labeling is crucial for home herbalists like us. From ensuring safety and organization to providing clear instructions, we'll delve into the world of labeling herbal formulations specifically for home use. As well as touch a bit on labeling to sell at farmer's markets and small boutiques.


The Legal Stuff

The contents of this blog are made available via St. Fiacre's Farm LLC through Grow Create Sip and Farmhouse Teas and are for informational purposes only. This blog does not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by St. Fiacre's Farm, Farmhouse Teas or Grow  Create Sip.

Reliance on any information provided by this webinar is solely your own risk. St. Fiacre's Farm LLC (along with Farmhouse Teas and Grow Create Sip) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for our team to earn fees for recommending our favorite products! Along with additional affiliate programs not associated with Amazon. We may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you, should you purchase an item after clicking one of our links. Thanks for supporting us!


Importance of Proper Labeling for Herbal Formulations

Accurate labeling is not just a legal requirement if you plan to sell your products to the public; it's a critical aspect of ensuring the safety and efficacy of the herbal products we create for our families. When we label our homemade herbal formulations properly, we establish the ground work for trust and confidence in the remedies we provide.

Creating clear and comprehensive labels allows us to communicate important information about our herbal products. By accurately listing the ingredients and their sources, we can identify potential allergens or interactions that could be harmful. This knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions and avoid any adverse reactions when using the herbal remedies on ourselves and our loved ones.

Proper labeling also helps us stay organized. By clearly indicating the purpose of each formulation, we can easily find the right remedy for a specific ailment or concern right at the time when we need it most. Additionally, including instructions for use and dosage recommendations ensures that we administer the herbal preparations correctly, maximizing their effectiveness while minimizing any risks. An herbal formula that is made properly, ready to use and has the right information right on the remedy is the best kind to use.

It is easy to think that we will remember what is in our preparations but life gets busy and our brains get full. Its important to label your preperations BEFORE you put them into their container so that yo udon't forget to label later. I find things all the time that I didn't label and I have no idea what it is and if it is safe to use and for what it is safe to use on.




Labeling Guidelines for Herbal Formulations

When it comes to labeling our homemade herbal formulations, there are key guidelines we should follow to ensure clarity. By including specific information on our labels, we can make it simpler for our family and customers to use our herbal remedies effectively and safely.

Key information to include on herbal product labels:

  • Ingredients and their sources: Clearly list all the ingredients used in your herbal formulation. It would be wise to also include in a journal or batch making sheet the place where they were sourced. This allows you and your family to make informed choices based on allergies, preferences, and potential interactions. If the tincture, tea, dried herb is a single herb you will want to include the Latin name of the herb as well as the lot number and name of the company or farm where you purchased it. This information is helpful in the case of a recall. The herb company you purchased from may need to let you know which herbs were bad and a recall number from the original packaging is a must.
  • Instructions for use and dosage recommendations: Provide clear instructions on how to use the herbal formulation and recommended dosages. This ensures that you and your family members use the remedies correctly, optimizing their benefits and reducing any risks. It also helps mama when she thinks she knows herb herbs and then someone is sick and hurt. It's harder to think straight when there are emotions involved while our loved ones are ill or hurt.
  • Safety warnings and precautions: It's important to include safety warnings and precautions on your labels, especially if younger children or siblings may be using or helping with the herbal remedies. This helps prevent accidents or misuse and ensures everyone's well-being. Examples might include that licorice root is not safe for those on blood thinners, or that arnica should not be ingested and is for external use only. Also if there are any warnings for pregnant or nursing women. 
  • For those of you looking to sell your products to the public you will want to make sure that you follow the FDA labeling guidelines for your specific products. Note that ingestible herbal formulations may be regulated as a food or supplement while topical formulations like salves and oils are regulated under cosemtics and have different FDA requirements.



Best Practices for Designing Herbal Formulation Labels

Designing visually appealing and informative labels for our herbal formulations adds a personal touch to our homemade remedies. By following some best practices, we can create labels that are both look pretty and are functional too.

Effective label layout and design principles:

  • Hierarchy and organization: Arrange the information on your labels in a logical and easy-to-read manner. Important details should be placed prominently, such as the product name, followed by the ingredients and dosage instructions. When writing a paper normal you use headings, bullet points, or numbering to create a clear hierarchy of information. In the case of label design this hierarchy is not written in bullet points or a numerical outline but instead is designated by size of the font, as well as prominence on the label and using a bold easy to read style. Those less important items a have smaller fonts and are lower down on the label. 
  • Choosing appropriate fonts, colors, and graphics: Select fonts that are legible and easy to read. There are lots of fun fonts but if your customer is over whelmed and cannot read your lbeel they may not purchase or if a family member can't read it easily they may grab the wrong item. Consider using colors that reflect the nature of the herbal formulation or ones that fit your style, saving bold red for warnings that fit specific herbs. It can be fun to add  simple graphics or illustrations related to the ingredients can also enhance the visual appeal of your labels and also be another way to quickly communicate to those using them which herb or remedy they are looking for.
  • Tips for creating visually appealing and informative labels: Keep the design clean and uncluttered, avoiding excessive text or unnecessary embellishments. Use high-quality label materials that are durable and water-resistant, ensuring that your labels remain intact and readable especially if you are labeling something like a tincture or oil that can be messy.

Remember, the goal of your label design is to convey important information clearly and attractively. By following these best practices, your labels will not only be informative but also visually pleasing, reflecting the care and dedication you put into your herbal formulations. The more simple they are to read the easier they are to grab quickly and use often. 



Labeling Herbal Formulations for Different Purposes

As home herbalists, we create a variety of herbal formulations for different purposes. It's important to tailor the labeling of each product to its specific use, ensuring that the information is relevant and easily understood. Here are some herbal formulation labeling outlines according to the most popular types of herbal creations:


Product Type  

Additional Information to Include on Labels


 - Recommended application method and frequency

 - Instructions for proper storage and shelf life

 - Any specific precautions or warnings for sensitive skin or allergies

Lip Balms

 - Application method and frequency

 - Instructions for proper storage and shelf life

 - Any specific precautions or warnings for sensitive lips or allergies


 - Instructions for dilution or consumption

 - Recommended dosage based on age or weight

 - Any specific precautions or contraindications


 - Brewing instructions, including water temperature and steeping time  

 - Recommended serving size or number of cups per day

 - Additional ingredients that can be added for flavor or benefits

Oil Infusions

 - Notes about which types of salves or balms it may be used in.

 - Application method and frequency

 - Any specific precautions or warnings for allergies or sensitivities


Tailoring the labeling for each type of formulation ensures that your family members can use them effectively and safely. Making sure it is easy to tell the difference between a tea, tincture and salve is a must! This makes for easy use by all members of the family when done correctly.



 DIY Labeling Tips for Home Herbalists

Labeling your herbal formulations at home can be a fun and creative process. Here are some step-by-step tips to help you create personalized labels for your homemade remedies:

  1. Gather your materials: Start by collecting the necessary supplies, such as label paper or sheets, a printer, scissors or a cutting tool, and any additional decorative elements like ribbons or stickers.
  2. Design your labels: Use a computer software program or online design tool to create your label templates. We love Online Labels. Include all the essential information we discussed earlier, such as the product name, ingredients, usage instructions, and safety warnings.
  3. Choose a label shape and size: Consider the size and shape of your containers when selecting label dimensions. You can find pre-cut label sheets in various shapes and sizes, or you can cut your labels to fit using scissors or a cutting tool.
  4. Print and cut your labels: Once you're satisfied with your label design, print them on the label paper or sheets. Carefully cut out each label using scissors or a cutting tool, ensuring clean edges. Or simplify things by purchasing precut labels from online labels or using a machine like a Cricut machine. 
  5. Apply your labels: Clean and dry your containers before applying the labels. Peel off the backing of each label and carefully adhere it to the container, making sure it is centered and smooth.
  6. Add decorative touches: If desired, enhance the visual appeal of your labels by adding decorative elements like ribbons, twine, or stickers. These personal touches can make your homemade remedies even more special.

Remember, the goal of DIY labeling is to create personalized and informative labels for your herbal formulations while having fun with the process, and dig into your creativi-tea. 



Labeling Herbal Formulations for Retail Sale at Farmer's Markets and Farm Stands

If you're considering selling your herbal products at farmer's markets or farm stands, it's important to adhere to specific packaging and labeling requirements. Here are some tips to help you create attractive labels that stand out in a market setting:

  • Include your brand and product name: Develop unique branding and design your labels around this. This helps customers recognize your products and builds brand loyalty and build super fans.
  • Highlight key information: Ensure that your labels clearly display the product name, ingredients, dosage instructions, safety warnings, and any certifications or organic labels that apply.
  • Use eye-catching visuals: Incorporate appealing graphics or illustrations that reflect the nature of your herbal products. Consider using colors that bring to mind the feelings that you would like your customer to have such as health, cheerfulness, calm etc. You want colors and images that speak to your ideal customers.
  • Choose durable and waterproof materials: Opt for label materials that can withstand various environmental conditions, such as humidity or exposure to water. This ensures that your labels remain intact and readable throughout the market day.
  • Consider labeling regulations: Familiarize yourself with state and FDA labeling regulations and requirements for herbal products. Ensure that your labels comply with these guidelines to avoid any legal issues. Especially making sure that allergens are listed and that you have the proper address of your processing facility on the label. Your local health inspector will be the best person to contact if you are unsure about the legality of your labels.

By following these tips, you can create labels that not only meet the necessary requirements but also attract customers' attention and reflect the quality of your herbal products. If you are looking for supplies that are more geared towards building an herbal business rather than labeling for your own use at home or for friends or family here are my top tips:

  1. Simplify and streamline all of your labels so that you only have 2-3 different sizes or shapes
  2. Order precut labels as this will help speed up the process of labeling all of your herbal formulations
  3. Invest in a quality ink jet printer, laser printers work best for black only, an ink jet will get you the colors you want
  4. As soon as you are able to sell enough of one item have your labels custom printed for you to speed up and simplify your process for selling your products.



Organizing and Storing Labeled Herbal Preparations at Home

Once you have labeled you're herbal preparations, it's essential to organize and store them properly to maintain their potency and effectiveness. Here are some tips to help you keep your labeled herbal remedies in optimal condition:

  • Categorize and label storage containers: Use clear containers and label them according to the type of herbal preparation or even alphabetically. For instance my tinctures are stored in plastic draws labeled A-Z. While my herbal teas are located on my tea stand and sorted by season. The way you decide to organize them is really up to you and what makes the most sense in your home.
  • Store in a cool, dry, and dark place: To preserve the potency of your herbal preparations, keep them away from direct sunlight, moisture, and excessive heat. A cool, dry, and dark cupboard or pantry is ideal for storage.
  • Check expiration dates: Regularly check the expiration dates on your labeled herbal products. Discard any remedies that have expired to ensure you're using fresh and effective preparations.
  • Keep out of reach of children: Store your labeled herbal remedies in a secure location, out of reach of children and pets. This prevents accidental ingestion or misuse. If they can't be stored up high then perhaps in a room where they don't frequent or don't have access too.

By implementing these organizing and storage practices, you can ensure that your labeled herbal preparations remain potent and ready for use when needed.




Free Label Template for Teas, Salves and Herbal Oils

To get you started off on the right foot I've created a free label template packet with different shapes and labels that cover the foundations of herbalism. I hope you enjoy these one of a kind labels and that they simplify your home herbalist journey! If you loved this post and would love to dive deeper into the foundations of herbalism I invite you to join our Herbal Studio & Communi-tea where you will find other like minded herbalists as yourself. This is a Christian community that teaches the foundation of blending herbal teas for medicine, creating your own homemade probiotics through kombucha brewing and fermentation, learning about botany through the 70+ herbal monographs in the library and more all while chatting in a private Facebook-like group.

But remember! Proper labeling of herbal formulations is crucial for home herbalists like us. By accurately labeling our homemade remedies, we ensure the safety, organization, and informed use of herbal products for our families. Remember to include essential information on your labels, follow best practices for design, and tailor your labels to different types of formulations. Whether you're labeling for personal use or considering retail sales, these guidelines will help you create informative and visually appealing labels. Stay organized and store your labeled herbal preparations correctly to maintain their potency and effectiveness. With proper labeling, we can confidently provide our families with the natural remedies we create, promoting their well-being and health. I'd love to know, what time of labels have you used in the past to label your creations? Did you love them or hate them? Let us know in the comment section below and together we can help each other find the best resource for our herbal labels.


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