Is Coffee Acidic?

I'm a coffee drinker at heart. Eventually, my body wouldn't put up the coffee anymore and I had to give it up. I’m guessing because you are reading this you might have the same concerns that I did.

The caffeine caused my adrenals to burn out. Before they burnt out though I would get such...

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How to Grow Roses from Cuttings (Edible Roses)


What if I told you that you could increase your rose garden for free? Or even start your rose garden for free? Also, that the free rose garden you grow can produce edible roses that will add high amounts of vitamin c to your diet? Wait, are roses edible? Yup, they sure are!


Ok, ok,...

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Rose Tea Benefits and Damask Roses

You are probably wondering. I have all of these roses in my yard, I wonder if I can use them for tea? I wonder what I do with these roses? Is there a special kind of rose that is good for tea? No worries my friend not only are there great ways to preserve flowers for tea but there are lots of...

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Rosehip Tea Benefits and Best Rosehip Tea



Did you know that rose hips, depending on the plant variety, have the highest concentration of vitamin c over any other fruit or vegetable? These studies show that not only is vitamin c one of the health benefits of rose hips but vitamin c is the powerhouse for all of your body's...

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Health Benefits of Elderberries and Their Uses


Elderberries are popular for their health benefits for good reason. Learn about these benefits, medicinal uses, and additional uses you may not already know! 

I've created a video for you, so feel free to watch this, or continue reading for more info!



Can I Grow My Own...

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Fudgy Brownies from Scratch with Chocolate Dandelion Root Tea

Sourdough discard brownies might be all the rage right now but there is still a place for standard fudgy brownies from scratch, especially when they are homemade brownies. Let me tell you what, if you want fudgy, moist, and chocolaty with a kick of coffee-like flavor then these brownies are...

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How to Make An Irish Coffee with Chicory Root Tea

March isn't just a time for celebrating St. Patrick's Day with Irish Coffee, Stout Beer, Corned Beef, and Cabbage. It's also around the start of spring, which means it's time for plenty of chicory root coffee or in this case chicory root tea!

Not only does chicory grow in the spring but its roots...

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Health Benefits of Turmeric and Lemon Turmeric Cake Recipe


The benefits of herbal tea and the benefits of turmeric are many. Many will ask "Is herbal tea good for you?" "What are the benefits of turmeric?" We are going to dive right into those here in this post along with a fabulous Lemon Turmeric Tea Cake Recipe. 

Turmeric is likely...

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Roasted Dandelion Root Tea Benefits with Chocolate Truffle Recipe

Spring is near and one of the first flowers to sprout and bloom is the humble dandelion. With the abundance of this well-known 'weed' many wonder what are the benefits of dandelion root? There are really so many uses for dandelion's from making dandelion wine to dandelion jelly but the...

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There is one place in the yard. You know the one. Not much will grow there. But you're looking to use all of your spaces and use them well. 

Whether you are growing food or growing your own medicine, it is essential to use up every little space and get the most out of it.

That shaded place in...

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Best Herb for Skin Health & Natural Sunburn relief

Imagine your hiking in the mountains, through the trail, and all of a sudden, something grabs on to your leg and isn't about ready to let go.

Or maybe your children or grandchildren are walking through the pasture or field and come back to the house with something stuck to their leg.

This might...

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Herbs for Colds, Coughs & Flu Part II

Diet, rest, hydration are just the start of preventing colds, coughs, and the flu. But what happens when you catch that virus going around? Natural herbal medicines are a great way to try and help those symptoms out at home when they are in their earliest stages. 

In last week's post (Tools...

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