Chocolate Is Medicine (plus 4 recipes)


It's that time of year where the stores start stocking up on roses and other flowers. Boxes of chocolate begin to line the shelves. St. Valentine's day is only a little over a week away.

While St. Valentine is remembered by the giving of gifts and notes to those we love, this month is also...

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Growing and Using Peppermint For Medicine

Two words.

Chocolate. Mint.

OK! That concludes this blog post!

Just kidding! Two of my favorite flavors are chocolate and mint but today we are going to just chat about Peppermint.

Not only is it tasty with chocolate, but it also shines when it comes to digestive health, cooking, headaches and...

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Oregano For Colds, Headaches & More

Oregano isn't just for pizza and pasta! Whether its small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), candida, coughs, colds, or toenail fungus. There is probably a use for oregano oil in every home. 

Be it summer or winter there always seems to be someone that has a bit of congestion from...

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What To Do With Rose Petals? (Medicinal & Culinary uses)

It's that time of year here on the farm when we are harvesting roses to preserve for oils, salves, teas and other culinary uses.

Do you have rose bushes in your yard and hoping to figure out what to do with those lovely blooms, aside from them adorning your landscaping? They are so beautiful,...

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Black tea. Green Tea. Peppermint Tea. Chamomile Tea. Those are the must have's right? Pretty standard lineup of tea when visiting any restaurant or hotel.

What is chamomile tea though? Does chamomile tea have medicinal uses? What are the medicinal uses of the chamomile flower? From calming...

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How many of you are growing a garden this year? How many of you have flowers in your garden? How about medicinal flowers?

We started our garden out with just things that could be eaten. It was a way to help cut down the food cost and to know the story of where our food was coming from. Which...

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VIDEO: Harvesting and Using Calendula


Happy Friday to you all! We have been SOOOO busy on the farm, is it really Friday already?!

Harvest season comes on slowly and then just really starts to take off this time of year. While we haven't even hit the height of it yet we are continually filling and refilling the dehydrator with...

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