Cheap and Easy Gluten / Dairy Free Zucchini Parmesan


Happy Fall Y'all!

Did you just discover the largest zucchini you have ever seen hiding in your garden? 

You thought that you were done with that never ending summer squash. You were ready for the first frost and the leaves to change color. Bring on the winter rest! 

OR MAYBE you...

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"Two hundred years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year. In 1970, we ate 123 pounds of sugar per year. Today, the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3...

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Quick and Simple Hand Pies in a pinch for Tea Time

Your Mama is coming.

She expects a nice cuppa Earl Grey and a sweet treat.

But there is one problem, you don't have anything sweet on hand and you have to eek out enough Earl Grey to get her a decent cuppa.

What's a child to do?

It may not be your mama, and you might not be the child, but every one...

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Dipped Shortbread Cookies - without sugar

When I polled tea drinkers on various Facebook groups, guess what the most common dessert to have with tea was?

Nope, not scones. Shortbread.

Shortbread is a very light, delicate cookie, very dainty and perfect for an afternoon tea time treat. It is light in flavor, yet sweet making it easy to...

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Growing and Using Peppermint For Medicine

Two words.

Chocolate. Mint.

OK! That concludes this blog post!

Just kidding! Two of my favorite flavors are chocolate and mint but today we are going to just chat about Peppermint.

Not only is it tasty with chocolate, but it also shines when it comes to digestive health, cooking, headaches and...

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Save Money On Kombucha - D.I.Y. Kombucha Recipe


I have a confession to make.

I've been buying kombucha ready made that the store.

That's right, the resident tea queen at the farm, has been buying ready made kombucha. That expensive kombucha, you know the one. Even though I have a whole 600 square foot space reserved for tea ingredients...

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Dehydrating Flowers, Fruits & Botanicals (For DIY Herbal Tea)


Basket after basket full of flowers. Crate after crate full of berries. All of the goodness is hauled in from the garden, from the farmer's market, and from around the farm to help produce flavorful and healthful herbal teas. But what is the best way to preserve them? Dehydrating of...

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Pad Thai Zoodles- Using the Zucchini Madness

It's near the end of summer, which means that the days are getting shorter and fall is coming quicker than quick. It also means that there are piles and piles of zucchini, or what I've decided to refer to as courgettes. (Their fancy French name)

Don't you think it sounds better?

"Hey neighbor!...

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Peach Kombucha - Rita


Sometimes it's one of those weeks... or maybe one of those months. Or a couple of months? The schedule gets crazy and somethings just fall off the to-do list. Like say the kombucha making.

When that happens then there is sour kombucha, a.k.a. vinegar. And sometimes that means a WHOLE LOT...

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Tuna Tea Sandwiches Farmhouse Style


A very traditional tea time sandwich meets, healthy, good for you fermented ingredients.

This isn't your typical tuna sandwich, though it does have many traditional ingredients about it. We here at Farmhouse Teas are all about taking the traditions of tea time and mixing them with whole,...

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D.I.Y. Natural Electrolyte Drinks


Ahh summer! Your sunshine makes one want to "squeeze the day," yet it is also draining at the same time. Your long days allow for large amounts of time spent sowing and reaping the harvest from the summer garden, basking in the sun out on the beach or in the orchard or hiking the...

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Farmhouse Pesto & 2 Tea Time Recipes


'Tis the season for all things basil, no?

Nothing quite says summer to me as pesto sauce! Well... OK maybe except for iced tea, but what kind of a tea sommelier would I be, if I didn't included tea on the list?

While pesto is basically great smeared on anything, aside from maybe...

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