Some may say that a scone is a sophisticated baked good. While I agree that their delicate and refined nature might suggest sophistication, they really are not that hard to bake. Scones take many different faces from a drop scone, to a fine cut wedge, to a rustic round shape. One thing is for...

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5 Farmhouse Scone Recipes(Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Einkorn)


Some may say that a scone is a sophisticated baked good. While I agree that their delicate and refined nature might suggest sophistication, they really are not that hard to bake. Scones take many different faces from a drop scone, to a fine cut wedge, to a rustic round shape. One thing is...

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Is Herbal Tea Better than Green Tea? Part II


Ah summer! There are not many days of you left. Autumn is creeping in, the leaves on the trees are turning golden. The blackberries have dried on the vine from the summer sun and pumpkin spice season is almost here! With fall comes tea season, and dare I say, cold and flu season? What...

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The Feast of St. Fiacre - Our Farm's Patron Makes Today Special

So this special day snuck up on me rather quickly. Thank you to our friend and dear customer for reminding me that this day was in fact TODAY and not tomorrow, I almost missed it!

When we picked the name of our farm we did not have our business in mind per say. Rather we wanted to name this...

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Green Tea or Herbal Tea, Which is Better?

The clouds rolled in and there is a bit of summer drizzle. I'm wearing my first sweater of the season and that means that tea season is right around the corner! But the question looms like the clouds ... green tea or herbal tea, which is better?

We have all seen online and in the news that green...

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Goat's Milk Soap Fights Eczema

Have you ever had that one person that you really look up to? Maybe its just some famous person you admire? Someone you would really like to meet some day?

Well this farm was that for me. I had been wanting to go take the tour of this lovely goat milk farm that I had been following on social...

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White Chocolate Cherry Chai Cake (Gluten Free Recipe)

Happy Friday! We have a special treat for ya'll today. I mean that in a couple of ways! One of our first and long time customers, Kris, will be helping us out here on the blog. She not only is a lovely lady but also has a passion for loose leaf teas along with some fabulous culinary skills....

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The Right Way to Steep Green Tea

Did you ever have a cup of green tea and think, "WOW! That's bitter!"

That was totally me! Why would anyone drink this horribly bitter tea. Sure it's good for you, it's helpful in weight loss. Green tea is high in antioxidants and a wealth of other good for you things. But it was soooo bitter!


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3 Easy Ways to Ice Loose Leaf Tea

The dog daze of summer are here! It's just plum hot out there!

The plants are wilting if not watered right away. The farmers are wilting if not watered right away! The animals are looking for the coolest spot on the farm. Jasmine, our new livestock guardian dog, has made a new home behind the...

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Oregano For Colds, Headaches & More

Oregano isn't just for pizza and pasta! Whether its small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), candida, coughs, colds, or toenail fungus. There is probably a use for oregano oil in every home. 

Be it summer or winter there always seems to be someone that has a bit of congestion from...

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What To Do With Rose Petals? (Medicinal & Culinary uses)

It's that time of year here on the farm when we are harvesting roses to preserve for oils, salves, teas and other culinary uses.

Do you have rose bushes in your yard and hoping to figure out what to do with those lovely blooms, aside from them adorning your landscaping? They are so beautiful,...

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Black tea. Green Tea. Peppermint Tea. Chamomile Tea. Those are the must have's right? Pretty standard lineup of tea when visiting any restaurant or hotel.

What is chamomile tea though? Does chamomile tea have medicinal uses? What are the medicinal uses of the chamomile flower? From calming...

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