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Showing 112 Results:

DIY Mushroom Coffee Recipe & Mushroom Tea Benefits

Mushroom coffee is all the rage right now, and for a good reason. There are so many benefits of mushrooms of many different kinds (I'm not talking about the ones that do strange things to your brain). If you’re looking to switch things up, you’re not alone. Years of prolonged caffeine use from dr...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cranberry Juice & Other Shrub Recipes

Sports drinks, vitamin water and energy drinks are all the rage in the summer time when we are all trying to keep our electrolytes up and stay hydrated. But those drinks are packed full of chemicals, dyes and loaded with sugar and other sweeteners. Today I want to introduce you to a tasty alterna...

Healthy Alternatives to Soda + DIY Soda Recipes

If you’re tired of that crash you get after drinking a sugary soda, the caffeine ups and downs, or the weight gain, then it’s time to look into some healthy alternatives to soda! There seems to be an abundance of soft drinks available at the grocery store these days, but don’t worry; there are pl...

The Best Menopause Tea: Hot Flash Relief and More

If you’ve been experiencing menopause symptoms and want to treat them the natural way, menopause tea is a wonderful option! It makes sense… we grow our own food and bake our own bread, so why wouldn’t we make our own natural remedies too?!    You can easily make tea for menopause symptoms that ...

How to Care for Stevia Plants: Grow, Harvest, & More

You’ve likely heard of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)—it’s a popular sugar alternative—but did you know that it comes from a plant of the same name?    Store-bought stevia packets and all-natural stevia couldn’t be more different. Most of those packets contain a sugar derivative, while the plant is...

Top 10 Healing Herbs for the Home Apothecary

Creating your own home apothecary is such a valuable tool for you and your family — especially with pharmaceutical shortages becoming more and more common. It's time to have a backup plan using the herbs that God made - some of them right in our own backyards!   Not only can an apothecary help ...

Easy Homemade Marshmallows with Marshmallow Root: A Step-by-Step Guide

Homemade marshmallows are a delicious and affordable candy that can be simply made at home with a few simple ingredients. But did you know that marshmallow is actually a plant too? DIY Marshmallows are also a great way to use marshmallow root, one of my favorite medicinal herbs, with a variety of...

Kombucha Cocktails: The Secret to the Best Fall Cocktails & Mocktails

Fall is the perfect time for visiting with friends and family over a tasty cocktail that captures the flavors of the season. And what better way to make your fall cocktails healthier than by incorporating the natural probiotics that are in kombucha? Don’t drink alcohol? No worries, in this artic...

How to Make Ginger Tea from Ginger Root: Step-by-Step Guide w/Pictures

  Ginger is a popular ingredient in many tea blends from Golden milk to traditional marsala chai blends. Ginger also has a host of wonderful health benefits and while ginger is great in a homemade natural water flavoring, making tea from fresh ginger has even more health benefits.  After a deep ...

Tincture Making and Crafting Your Own Tincture Recipes

  Tinctures are one of my favorite ways to use herbs in the home after herbal medicinal teas. They are simple to use for the home herbalist or caregivers wanting natural remedies for their families and loved ones. These concentrated herbal extracts offer a convenient and potent way to harness th...